Flat care:
Nutritional Needs (Premium Feed, Hay, Water, Stablingand Daily Turn Out (Day or Night)
Blanket Changes as needed
Administration of owner provided supplements,
Basic Laundry Service (does not include blanket washing)
Scheduling of routine health care including: de-worming, shoeing, veterinary care, vaccinations
Full care:
All of the amenities of flat care
Daily grooming and care of horse
Trimming and mane maintenance
Tacking/un-tacking for all riding sessions
Tack cleaning
Horse Show Preparations and Packing
Training board:
Various levels of training board are available. Levels of training board includes flat care and is available with professional rides ranging from one day per week to 5 days per week.
Full training board includes full care.
Layup board:
Layup services and cost will be made on an individual basis.